Saturday, September 19, 2009


She's the type of mom who I had in mind when I started this blog. She just had her second custody trial. It went poorly. No one that matters in the case likes her, except her child, who adores her.

Opposing counsel lies and does it very well. She's a seasoned sociopath (my opinion re the sociopath part). She has a huge and overriding need to win at anyone's expense. She knows Dad's family has plenty of money to pay her huge bill.

Dad just wants to win. The kid be damned.

Poor mom. All she wants is a chance to parent. And here is the sad part: all the things she thought would help her in court, never did.

The judge does not like her so no matter who testified, all was for nothing. She had two child psychologists testifying on her behalf. If all the good things said about her got through to the judge, there would be a positive outcome. But it appears he only listened to the things he wanted to hear - all of which benefit dad.

Little Issues, Big Trouble

Mom fidgeted in court. God knows why...she was told to have a calm demeanor and she has gotten in trouble with the court on this issue before. So, again, she was singled out by the judge and opposing counsel on her inability to sit still. Oh, how I wish she had not fidgeted. People, your present yourself in court is so very important. If you look fidgety and nervous, it will be noticed. And you will get demerits for it just like this mom did.

We'll talk more about the outcome and this story in later posts.

Sit still. Breathe. Be calm.

Read about the importance of a calm demeanor in my book:

DIVORCE: The Real Truth and Hidden Dangers

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